Thursday, August 26, 2010

artsy fartsy

There are a half a dozen bizarre and pointless art displays at the Seattle Public Library. One of the worst, in my opinion, is in the escalator running between floors 3 and 5. The wall has been broken out on one side and these enormous eggs have been shoved in the space inside the wall. The eggs have creepy faces projected onto them and the faces say things.

Well today the eggheads were malfunctioning or something and instead of saying a variety (a very small variety) of phrases, they were stuck on one phrase and shouting it loud enough to be heard throughout the library. Not that bad I suppose if it was shouting something like "COME TO THE LIBRARY AND READ" or "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" or something library related. No, one head was shouting "AROUSE" then muttering something about disposable societies, while the other head was just kind of moaning.

Yeah, that's right. The library is having budget issues. What of it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoever did those horrible egg things had a huge one at the MOMA the one time I went there. I'm pretty sure that's why I haven't been back... I shudder just thinking of it.